1. Scientific and Collaboration Writing to Elsevier Journal and Other Reputable Journal

Dr. Ahmad Fudholi - Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

2. Research Grant and Funding From Malaysia University

Dr. Andino Maseleno - Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia

3. Journal Preparation and Suggestion To Scopus Indexing 

Rahmat Hidayat, MSc.IT - Managing Editor IJASEIT (Indexed Scopus Journal, Q2, Indonesia)

4. Offering the Greatest Impact on Your Research

M. Tanzil Multazam, M.Kn - CEO of Kresna Acitya Nusantara Mediatama, Indonesia


Workshop Fee :

a. IDR 1.000.000 / USD 75 (Conference Presenter)

b. IDR 1.500.000 / USD 125 (Non Conference Presenter)

Workshop Fee Include :

a. Launch and Coffee Break 2 X

b. Certificate